How to build back a fallen arch
You can build a better arch, strengthen your feet and throw away your arch supports and rigid shoes.

There is nothing better than this exercise to correct your posture.
Is your back to round and your head to forward? This exercise really helps to corret thoracic hyperkyphosis if done over time.

A longer instructional video on how I mobilize the scapula for better shoulder function.
Along with the instruction on how I mobilize the scapula I also offer self treatment techniques for you to perform at home. This is a...

Self mobilization of the hip rotators and gluteal system for better knee function
In this video I show you how to self mobilize the hip system to allow better rotation and function to reduce stress to the knee.

Why your knee pain is most likely from poor hip function
Did you know that a significant portion of knee strain is actually resulting from lack of proper hip function? The hip is meant to...

Counter rotational self mobilization between the thoracic and cervical spine using the neck flosser
The ability to have counter rotational flexibility between the cervical and thoracic spine is very important for good function. Pain and...

The best two low back exercises
Here are my favorite lower back exercises of all time. The first is low back extension on the ball. Hold the back plank for 15 seconds...